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Virtualization vs Containerization

This is well known and basic concept for most of IT Engineers. In all stories, there can be little key areas, which you never knew or you didn’t want to know.
So let me clear everything !
IT Era was like bare-metal/physical > virtual > cloud > container > micro service
Even though I mentioned above, I did not mean we have completely moved from any of stages. There are many companies driving there infrastructure on different stages.
Physical Machine/Base Machine
So here after when I say physical machine / base machine, this is what I mean. For example assume, this is your personal workstation, laptop.

Lets dive into Virtualization and Containerization concepts one by one.
Simply it create another machine (virtual machine), literally non-exist physical machine. So how virtual machine runs. We know for a physical machine, it need Kernel, CPU, Ram, Storage mainly.
Same applies to Virtual machine even it says virtual. Since no one provide these resources, Virtual machine request all the resources from…